How the film subscription service works
- Fill in the form under the Join button.
This indicates your interest; the application is not binding.
After submitting the application, you will get a price list, rental conditions,
and a contract that is ready to sign and send back by mail.
- Don’t forget to choose a film package:
Select between two packages that contain 6 films on DVDs that will
arrive every month. Both packages (A and B) contain Swedish subtitles for each film.
A. Package that contains English-spoken films only (or with English subtitles).
B. Package that contains films with other languages spoken such as
Swedish, Norwegian and Italian. Normally, films in package B do not have
English subtitles.
- Every month the films on DVDs are sent to you via the ship owner in Sweden.
The rental period is 12 months after receiving the films.
The DVDs must be destroyed twelve (12) months after receiving them.
The crew onboard is obliged to send a report every year to confirm that
the films were destroyed as per the subscription conditions.
Subscription fee
The subscription fee depends on the number of persons who are working onboard.
Please contact us for more information.